fast living...
School inspired me all started off reading the necklace by Guy de Maupassant, followed by contrasting and similar views between Marx and Weber, and preachings by my jewish english professor which a kinda hate & like (not love). He made a comment today that he would rather be a crippled old man than a 13 year old girl that knows she's ugly...hmm...he wanted to get his point across about how fucked-up society values are now-a-days.
wasup with silicone soul and their titles and what are there theological views?...anyway they make impressive music, here's there latest album save our souls: ...............δοωηĬοαδ.................
nice blog man (sur), I checked it out when you started off, nice build up keep it comming.....tracks 3, 7, 9, 10 is where the moneys at, thankx again
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